Friday, 28 June 2013

PLAYLIST 27-06-13

  1. Graine MULVEY: Duo
  2. Laurie ANDERSON: From the air
  3. Sophie WILDER: Black swan, white noise
  4. Delia DERBYSHIRE: Dr Who
  5. Elisabeth PARKER: A retrospective disk
  6. Sophie WILDER: Glenda Jackson
  7. Sophie WILDER: Revisiting her 20-12-12's show on soundart radio
  8. Chris and Cosey: This is me
  9. Louis and Bebe BARRON: Forbidden planet
  10. Helen FULLMAN: Fluctuation 1 
Sophie Wilder was our guest, she talked about her soundart work, about gender and chose the music we played. We had a great time revisiting her show from 20-12-12 (soundart radio show)

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