Thursday, 7 May 2015

PLAYLIST 07-05-15

Playlist May 7th
presented by Ariane Delaunois

1.Danielle Baas with lyrics by Linda Rimel: Roses and sweet peas
2. Danielle Baas with lyrics by Linda Rimel: How did we catch her?
3. Danielle Baas with lyrics by Linda Rimel: This January morning
4.  Danielle Baas:Les temps de l'homme La cueillette
5.  Danielle Baas: Les temps de l'homme: La belle recolte  
6.  Danielle Baas: Les temps de l'homme: Plein ciel 
7. Gila Carcas: String Quartet No. 3 - 1. Standing On Temple Mount 
8. Gila Carcas: String Quartet No. 3 - 2. Infinite Embrace
9. Gila Carcas: String Quartet No. 3 - 3. Entering The Temple
10. Jennifer fowler: Three Cellos
11. Jennifer fowler: Echo from an antique Land
12.  Jennifer fowler: Veni Sancte Spiritus
13. Elisazabeth bell: Soliloquy for solo cello
14. Nancy Van de vate: A quiet piece
15. Canary Burton: Atlantica late afternoon zephyr sunset
16. Ruth Lomon: Five Ceremonial Masks
    - Mask 1. Changing Woman   -Mask 2. Dancer   - Mask 3. Spirit - Mask 4. Clown - Mask 5. Talking power
17.Vroni Holzmann: Schlaf Wohl

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