Thursday, 16 May 2013

PLAYLIST 16-05-13

  1. Susan CANNON: Memorial for the city
  2. Sylvia ROSANI: Versteinerte fluge
  3. Tsippi FLEISCHER: Leadlife, Weltschmertz (1st of cycle of 5 songs)
  4. Nailah NOMBEKO: Blake, 4 songs: The lilly, The garden of love, The divine image, My pretty rose tree
  5. Paula TRAVER-NAVARRO: A la luna   (Poem from Gertrudes Gomes de Avellaneda)                                                                                                                                                                       
  6. YI CHENG CHIAN: Time, for voice and 2 celli
  7. Daria BAIOCCHI: Raga
  8. Claire FITCH: Journey
  9. Kaja BJORNVEDT: Music stands , extract 1 &2
  10. Julianna HALL: Theme in yellow,  4 parts: Ripecorn, November, theme in yellow, splinter

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